I have taken four months to write a post. I am sure that you don't remember me as a fly fishing blogger. You probably think that I got lost in Portugal somewhere and didn't come home. I did have thoughts... But, no. I did come home after a most wonderful vacation with my son, Dan and daughter in law, Aurelia. I came home with no weight gain despite the fact that I tried every flavor of gelato and ate a couple of Pasteis de Nata custard tarts each day. Maybe I didn't gain weight because I was hiking 5 to 7 mi every day. No joke. And believe it or not, I enjoyed it! Who wouldn't enjoy a walk through lush foliage and scenic views of the ocean? Well, that was back in July. Seems so long ago now.

Then, in August and September, there were fishing tripsh. I got in some quality time in Wyoming and Idaho. Not too far away. I caught a birthday fish or two in August. And caught some beautiful brown trout in September. My favorite month to fish as the weather cools down!! I am not a summer person.
Now, I take a rest from fishing. I hope that this "time out" so to speak, will have some silver linings. More time to be home and more time to get caught up with some computer projects that have been ignored. Someone needs to download a whole lot of pictures from this year...
Santa, I don't need anything for Christmas. I've been truly blessed this year. I have had a good year with love and support of family and friends. And I have an awesome job to go to each day.
I truly hope that my fishy friends enjoy the blessings of the holiday season this month.
With Love,